How to write a descriptive essay
Dust Bowl Research Paper Topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Ponzi scheme and Madoff Fraud
Ponzi conspire is a deceitful endeavor whereby the speculators are tricked into an apparently beneficial arrangement. The customers are asked to â€Å"invest†their cash in a dare to procure tremendous loan costs. This ordinarily works through the installment of the prior investors’ premiums and principals by utilizing the later investors’ chief sum. This criminal behavior got its name after Charles Ponzi of England (1920s). Bernard L. Madoff and Ponzi conspire Bernard Madoff, 70, is the previous director of Nasdaq Stock Market. He held the situation till December 2008 when he was captured over claimed perhaps the biggest misrepresentation ever in history.He is the organizer of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, which embraces showcase making, and going about as broker in purchasing and selling of protections, however is since under receivership after a court request was gotten to put an order on its tasks by the Security Exchange Commission. (Mike, 2008) I t was uncovered that Madoff had a different and cryptic venture arm of his firm which was running on a different floor of their premises. The firm’s fiscal summaries were kept â€Å"under lock and key†and Madoff was â€Å"cryptic†about the firm’s venture arm, as per some top level administration workers of the firm.This mystery speculation arm is the one under scrutiny due to accept that it is the place the Ponzi conspire was executed. (Mike, 2008) Madoff was exceptionally savvy in playing the Ponzi plot. He recorded bogus comes back with the Securities Exchange Commission, and manufactured additions asserting that its speculations along with bookkeeping and review firms it ran were exceptionally worthwhile. Eventually for instance, Fairfield Sentry Ltd, Madoff’s support stock investments ran by Madoff Investment Services to put resources into the offers in Standards and Poor’s 500. Fairfield asserted that its offer file had ascended by 5. 6%, while that of S&P 500 had fallen by over 30%. Fairfield was later supposed to be somewhere near 0. 06% when that of S&P 500 had fallen by about16%. The firm was averaging 10. 5% every year since its initiation in 1990. These insights are very strange to accept, and is one manner by which Mr. Madoff figured out how to make due through his Ponzi conspire. (Mike, 2008) The firm’s misfortunes accumulated up to $50 billion since it was not, at this point ready to satisfy its client needs. This is after customers mentioned for about $7 billion when they had uniquely about $250 million in the record. (Mike, 2008)Prevention of comparable cheats The SEC ought to be made increasingly proactive. For example, admonitions, for example, those of Harry Markopoulos, a money related expert, ought to have been paid attention to by the SEC since he began his disclosure in 1999. The support investments of Mr. Madoff too didn’t register till September 2006, which is past the po int of no return. Proposal for implementation of law, for example, Sec. 17 (an) of the Securities Act 1933, Sec. 10 (b) of Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and rule 10b-5 there under, and segments 206(1&2) of the Advisors Act of 1940, will likewise help forestall such frauds.It is worth to make open the truth of paces of interests offered by a firm to its customers. This makes straightforwardness and some feeling of validity of a firm’s undertaking. The bookkeeping experts additionally ought to be made to gain from such cases to forestall future events of a similar bad habit. Open mindfulness projects can be communicated through media as well. This will caution financial specialists to be cautious in their selection of speculations portfolio. Reference: Mike, S. (2008, December thirteenth). Greatest Fraud in History $50 billion Madoff Ponzi Scheme. Recovered April fourth, 2009, from The Market Oracle: http://www. marketoracle. co. uk/Article7769. html.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Private life of a Baseball player :: Athletics Sports Essays
Private existence of a Baseball player American Baseball is mainstream to such an extent that bunches of good player from other nation have dream to turn into an individual from Major alliance. So do the players from my nation. A few players began playing in large groups, for example, LA Dodgers, Boston Red Sox, New York Yankees, and Texas Rangers. Different players began from small time. MLB isn't any longer game for just American individuals. Fans from all over around the globe need to watch ball game through communicating. In America, there are a couple of baseball players who originated from South Korea, and they are doing admirably in MLB groups. Since baseball turned out to be so mainstream sports and worldwide business, players got paid bunches of cash, and the journalists needs to unveil their private existence of renowned players so as to sell an ever increasing number of issues of papers. At times, they are attempting to uncover something humiliated stuff about certain player by following after them. Such a cond uct of columnists can be the reason for a mishap between baseball players and journalists, for example, contending, or battling. What I will record and contend about is a mishap which was occurred between journalist of sports news paper and a baseball player. To sum up what and how that mishap occurred, one of those players, who called Byunghyun, Kim, had been upset since he was unable to do well as one of pitcher. After the season was done, he returned to South Korea as his old neighborhood. What he required was only a rest, reviving his psyche and focusing on his preparation. But not many individuals, he made an effort not to let anyone notice that he returned to his nation. Since he realized that he would get pestered by loads of correspondents with pack of inquiries regarding what he did during season and what he will accomplish for next season. While he was staying, he attempted to get a few rests and train by working out with his companion in wellbeing facility focus. Tragically, there was the correspondent who knew the reality which Mr. Kim returned and rest some time via preparing. The columnist began to tail him with no consent and attempted to discover something intriguing story for paper article so he could turned into the accl aimed correspondent. In transit return from wellbeing focus to home, that paparazzo took couple of pictures from the behind of Mr.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Sick of Being Sick
Sick of Being Sick So Im sick right now. Again. Its some lovely combination of fever, nausea, and other TMI that Ill spare you the details of, but basically, I was sick when classes first started, got better, and now Ive been sick since Monday. Its now next Monday. Im getting better, though, and thats in part due to my winning combination of Pepto Bismol chased down by red Gatorade and chick flicks chased down by Star Wars. (Yesterday was 27 Dresses and Empire Strikes Back; the night before that, A New Hope and Bring It On. Most of the dorms have free movies you can rent from the front desk, and so the Burton-Conner deskworkers think Im a little bipolar.) The real turning point in my illness took place on Friday, when I was so weak and feverish that I dragged myself over to MIT Medical to have them take a look at me. Being sick in college is not fun, no matter how good you think you are at taking care of yourself, so its nice knowing MIT Medical is there. My friends were sweet enough to bring me extra Gatorade and soup and other fairly tame foods, but when it came to pumping my veins with IV fluids most of them had better things to do like go on really fun dorm-wide white water rafting trip that I unfortunately missed, since that doesnt exactly fall under the categories of no strenuous activity or get lots of rest. (Drink plenty of fluids, maybe?) So I headed off to Urgent Care, where at this point, I was pretty woozy, but I remember giving them my name and symptoms and they told me to take a seat and I read through magazine covers and then they called my name and I stood up woah, REALLY dizzy aaand they pretty much took care of me for the rest of the evening. Which was really easy, and really cool, because I think at that point I was pretty much speaking like Yoda. In fact, I was so tired and so stressed by the time they got me on the table and asked me what was wrong that I just started crying. Doctor: Whats the matter?? Me:!!* *may be an exaggeration I should also mention that this is all covered under basic insurance for MIT students. That also includes ambulance rides to and from MIT Medical if you need to go to an outside hospital, theres an extended insurance plan that covers that, as well as some prescription drugs and a lot of other stuff which is kind of convenient since theres a pharmacy in MIT Medical, and they only take Extended Insurance. Anyway, they drew some blood to do a blood test, put me in a bed, and set me up on an IV when I remembered Id called Student Support Services (S^3) last night I had an assignment due that day, which I hadnt really found time to do in my busy schedule of having a fever and sleeping it off. S^3 set me up with a phone appointment that afternoon with a dean to talk about sending a sick note to my TA, which they normally dont do over the phone, but seeing as I was hooked to a bag of sodium chloride I probably wasnt going to make it very far. So I called in and talked to the dean, who took down the name of my TA and sent her an email about getting an extension for the assignment. (Honestly, I thought the fact that Id been wearing the same pair of sweatpants for the past three days shouldve be enough for them, but the medical record probably conveys that same idea.) And that was basically it! I still have to go in later when Im feeling up to it to get a physical note, but it was all a fairly easy process. After that? I slept. A lot. When I had ran through 3 liters of fluid, MIT Medical sent me home, and a bunch of movies and 32 oz. bottles of Gatorade later, Im here now trying really hard to kick this thing once and for all, and I fully intend for my next blog entry begins with So Im awesome right now. Again. (By the way? That assignment I got the extension for? Its for that class that I almost didnt get into the last time I was sick. Either my professor does actually read my blog, or the universe doesnt entirely hate me after all..)
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Description Of A New Map From North America - 1595 Words
IGN (Include Previous Names Also): Poxey: Previous names Age: 14, November , 17 , 2002 Timezone: Eastern Location: North America Gender: Male How many hours can you play each day? 1 hour per day. So far I have 8 hours of playtime on Small Hcf and it has been 2 days since of SOTW. Have you had any past experience? ToxicHCF) I have been a staff member on toxichcf and I was a mod on that current server. It was a hardcore faction and a practice server. On every eotw theres always a kitmap open and everone plays on it and while they do the builders on toxichcf would help make a new map with the higher staff. For staff under Mod+ and they would speculate the Practice server and the kitmap server. You usually†¦show more content†¦My rank was trail-mod with in 4 weeks and yet I dinnit get promoted which I mean I was more active and more helpful than all of these staff members and yet I never had a promoted rank. But the console did get hacked sadly. DeltaHCF) This server is recent. I have been staff for 4 weeks. I have been a good staff member on there but yet I never gotten promoted. I have banned , mute , and tempbanned players off of this server which I had proof of me getting proof of me banning hackers ect. - Xrayer admited - Muted - Banned hackers I had much more bans but I dinnit want to overflow with them. Thats just proof of me being active and always online to ban and mute players. Proof of me being staff on there → AgonyMc ) I was staff on AgonyMc. I was a staff on this factions server. I have been staff on there for 3 weeks. I was a Mod on there as you can see down below. The server was non-toxic. The server was a very fun server! Proof of me being staff on here → DucksFaction) I was a Mod on this server and I was the first one which got accepted. As a staff member it comes in responsibility. I know when it comes to 50 players its not much. But I did love the server but I mean the server was super toxic including the stsaff members. I decied to retire. It was a kit pvpShow MoreRelatedNorth American Cheese Market Industry Analysis Growth Trends And Forecast 2021817 Words  | 4 PagesNorth American Cheese Market: Industry Analysis, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2021 1 Description : The North American cheese market was valued at USD 22.44 billion in 2013 and is estimated to reach a value of USD 28.75 billion by 2021. The market is poised to grow at a CAGR of 3.2% between 2014 and 2021. North America, especially the U.S., is one of the leading producers of cheese globally. Additionally, cheese is widely used across the continent as an important ingredient in daily intake of foodRead MorePathfinders: A Global History of Exploration by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto1063 Words  | 5 Pagesaward-winning author with work published in 27 languages. 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In the name of settlement, education, and religion, missionaries also began to approach the continent from the south, through Kenya. This worked to the advantage of the colonialists who viewed missionaries as pacifiers. The missionaries viewed the colonizers as a type of security (Collins 6). Sudan came under joint British and Egyptian rule in 1899. While north Sudan was mostly Arab-speaking Muslim, southern Sudan, had mostly black African ethnicities, and was often ignored due
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
We Are Exposed American Culture And Society - 1337 Words
In Allen Ginsberg’s poem, Howl, we are exposed American culture and society in the 1940s-50s through the narrator’s eyes. According to the narrator, the society looks down upon those who don’t conform to its rules and culture. This materialistic and militaristic culture had destroyed and drove them with â€Å"madness†and starved with â€Å"hysterical naked†looking for â€Å"an angry fix†. Just like the title suggest, this poem is a loud cry for the generation oppressed by the conformed American society that didn’t value artistic creativity. He openly describes and discusses his experiences in drug uses and involvement in various of unusual incidents and how they could be associated with the search of spiritual/ religious madness. Right away, we get a religious sense from this poem through the words like â€Å"angel headed hipsters†, â€Å"heavenly connection†and â€Å"Mohammedan angels†. Ginsberg uses differen t religious/spiritual imagery and implication to portray the oppression his generation face. He calls for change in the current political and social system of his time. The poem begins with Ginsberg stating that he â€Å"saw the best minds of his generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the Negro street at dawn looking for an angry fix, angel headed hipster burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night†(Ginsberg Line 1.) These â€Å"best minds†have been ostracized by society for their opposition to conform toShow MoreRelatedAnthropology-Culture and Globalization1572 Words  | 7 Pagesthroughout our readings, lectures, videos, and textbook we learn the effects of globalization on the different nations we studied. I often felt sad for these nations because we were encouraging them to practice our traditions and therefore their personal identities and culture were lost. 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Since everybody has their ownRead MoreEssay about Globalization: The Myth of Cultural Imperialism1289 Words  | 6 Pageswithout poverty and violence where almost everyone is happy and those who are not can do something about it without starting a war. The world is still far away from this utopian goal, but we are getting there slowly. I believe that one of the manifestations of globalization is the sense of a global society. The idea that the Internet presents a free marketplace of ideas is prevalent and makes a good example for what I wish to explain. Someone (person A) lives in Canada. Person A has a greatRead MoreThe Violent Tendencies Fed By Violent Words Charter In1623 Words  | 7 PagesThe Violent Tendencies Fed by Violent Words charter in the book The Community of Self, emphasized how exposing children to words of violence through many outlets in society has caused an aggressive, violent nation. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Overview of the Solar Panel Industry Free Essays
Global Business Operations Solar Panel Industry Student Name: student Number: Introduction The solar panel industry is a niche market dominated by a small number of large firms. Five out of the top ten biggest players In the Industry are Chinese firms. Solar panels capture sunlight and convert It Into electricity, In one of two forms; industry, due to the large market share dominated by a small number of players, furthermore, the solar panel industry not only cooperates with, but also competes with other industries such as power production and component manufacturing industries. We will write a custom essay sample on Overview of the Solar Panel Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Solar Panel Industry The Shape of the Solar Panel Industry With five out of the biggest solar panel producers worldwide being Chinese, it is no surprise that 45% of solar panel production across the globe is by Chinese firms. The solar panel industry is the fastest growing power technology in the world, with reported yearly increases in capacity of 50%. Consisting of mainly 10 firms, the industry isn’t large in terms of suppliers, however, the combined revenues of these 10 firms account for $21. Ban, thus the industry is large in revenue as well as production. Growth Global Presence The growth of the solar panel industry is fairly new, beginning in the early sass’s, thus the industry is not only dominated by a few large players, but it is also maintaining its volume position as it is not going through consolidation and turning into a fragmented industry; the large firms are still growing. Competition within the industry is tight, especially since all major firms ha ve a global presence. Any large firm involved in solar panel production without a global presence is sure to be overtaken by competitors. Product Variety Core Business Solar panels are generally a very homogeneous product, all firms that produce them apply essentially the same product with minor variations, this makes it even more difficult to develop a true competitive advantage within the industry. The industry is mainly based on business-to-business sales; power production firms order solar panels from the producers. Other revenue streams come from foreign solar panel retailers purchasing small orders and distributing them to private buyers such as homes or offices. Innovation, RD, and Demand conditions In order to develop and maintain a competitive advantage within the solar panel industry, it is paramount to invest in innovating and research development. As it stands, the industry remains very linear in terms of product innovation; investments are heavy however no new technologies have yet been discovered or implemented. Since its inception, the technology implemented within solar panels has definitely increased, however there have been no significant breakthroughs that would fairly stable; prices have been more or less constant and competition tight but not extensive as the players aren’t many. The industry took a blow in 2007 following the global crisis, however it recovered in 2010 and has been growing more than ever at an unprecedented pace. Vertical Integration Production Process The Chinese firms mainly adopt vertical integration from the raw materials to the finished product, whereas USA and Japanese firms, which are the other big players, tend to outsource some production as well as import components from suppliers such as Busch. This difference arises due to the costs involved in producing and assembling solar panels; in China, availability of resources is very high, as well as cheap labor and land, thus incurring less costs, hence why Chinese firms prefer to vertically integrate their production process. Whereas for American and Japanese firms, cheap labor and production space is not available, thus it is more cost effective to outsource production and import components. Vertical integration itself is not a fully efficient way of production in the long run, as demonstrated by the automotive industry in the early 20th century. Ford adopted a full vertical integration production process, and while for years it remained the market leader in the USA, eventually Toyota adopted a Just-in-time production process and overtook Ford in USA market share. This is mainly due to the incurred sots of vertical integration; at an early stage of an industry as a whole, vertical integration is cheaper, however as an industry and its accompanying technologies advance, third-party firms enter niche markets of component production and it eventually becomes cheaper to outsource most of the production process. Economies of Scale The biggest advantages to the large solar panel producers arise due to their economies of scale. With a huge production capacity and an efficient supply chain, every step of the value chain from production to delivery becomes much cheaper per unit. Economies of scale acquired by solar panel producers are down to their rapid growth mainly due to their early entry into the market. There are no physical barriers to entering the solar panel industry; governments actually subsidize firms who get involved in renewable energies through tax exemptions and monetary aid. However, the barriers to entry are known as ‘natural barriers’, meaning that the barriers to entry that do exist are not due to regulation, but rather to the strength and size of the competitors, which in turn relates to their economies of scale which allow them to sustain production at such high capacity and cost efficiency. Value Chain Configuration Sunsets is Chinese solar panel producer, up to 2010 it was the world market leader in the solar panel industry, today it has gone down to be the 5th biggest firm. After a series of financial troubles related to defaulting on US government bonds in 2011, the firm has reported revenues of $3. 1 ban and net loss of $1 Ban (2011). Sunsets was founded in 2001 and went public on the New York Stock Exchange in 2005, share price dropped 40% following its first default on government bonds. The following diagram shows Sentence’s value chain process, which will be explained in more detail underneath the diagram: The first segment of the value chain is inbound logistics, since Sunsets is a vertically integrated firm, it produces its own components which are later used in the production of solar panels. The next part of the value chain is operations; this part is the most important in Sentence’s value chain as it is where production takes place. The core business of Sunsets is the production of solar panels, without an impeccable product they would quickly cease to be one of the market leaders. The third step shown in the diagram is outbound logistics, this involves Sunsets distributing the finished product to its customers. Supply chain management is very important, especially since Sunsets is vertically integrated, they have their own distribution channels rather than outsourcing them, thus their customers must receive their products on time and in good condition. Marketing and sales isn’t such an integral part of the value chain, as the core revenue stream for solar panel producers is business-to-business sales rather than business-to-customer, thus jugular marketing methods are not as effective. The final step of the value chain is service, mainly involving post-sale service. Given the nature of the product, solar panels actually have an average life span of 25-30 years, thus minimal service is required, however, Sunsets focuses more on actually turning the service step into a long-term relationship with customers for repeat business and long-term contracts. Sunsets is present globally, with large volume sales to Australia, USA, China, Spain, AJAX, and Brazil, it is basically present in every continent. The main customers for Sunsets and other solar panel producers are power plants and solar farms, who in turn sell on the electricity they produce with the solar panels. It is a large market with very few players as power production is one of the hardest markets to enter, with extensive barriers to entry. Sentence’s overall performance is dubious. On the one hand, it lead the market for many years due to its excellent quality and reputation in production, and on the other hand, it crashed due to mismanagement of resources and financial troubles. In terms of cost efficiency, Sentence’s vertical integration is seemingly flawless as the hole production process is streamlined and very well coordinated, thus the conclusion in terms of performance is that operationally Sunsets is performing exceptionally well, however administratively it is performing horribly and is definitely behind its competitors. Out of the top 10 dominating firms, only two firms are running at a loss, one of which is Sunsets. Recommendations The main issue for Sunsets is mismanagement of funds, thus the main recommendations would be to change the CEO, which has actually been done. How to cite Overview of the Solar Panel Industry, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Explain why parents are sometimes strict free essay sample
Parents are sometimes strict to discipline their children, to set out strict rules to get the best from their children and to put responsibilities on their shoulders Introductory Paragraph: The ABCD Parenting Young Adolescents (2009 – 2014) stated, â€Å"Parents are sometimes strict to discipline their children so the they can earn respect from the, parents also wants them to think more positively, above all, to gain a strong relationship with their children and to correct their short falls therefore it keeps them more connected and their children will respect and obey them in authority†. Furthermore, parents set out strict rules so their children can be clear about what is to be expected from them. Parents’ uses strict rules sue to manner and behavior and to inform there children of what is appropriate and appreciated from them. Parents set strict responsibilities on their children shoulders due to the authors’ research parents do that to ensure that their children meet their goals and make learn to take success into consideration; on the other hand, parents want what is best for their children and to be independent. We will write a custom essay sample on Explain why parents are sometimes strict or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Conclusion: In addition all these factors explain why parents are sometimes strict. When parents are strict it out comes a positive act and even the better way to discipline children by showing them how to behave so that they can give a positive outlook in life. For example, parents sit down and talk with them to show them the life ahead of them and showing them what is positive. Due to that, setting out rules in their homes let children know their standards. For instance, a parent can have a rule stated, â€Å"Everyone must be home by six o’clock†. Moreover, parents want their children to be independent so they help them to be responsible and make them wiser about what life has to offer.
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