Sunday, May 24, 2020
Description Of A New Map From North America - 1595 Words
IGN (Include Previous Names Also): Poxey: Previous names Age: 14, November , 17 , 2002 Timezone: Eastern Location: North America Gender: Male How many hours can you play each day? 1 hour per day. So far I have 8 hours of playtime on Small Hcf and it has been 2 days since of SOTW. Have you had any past experience? ToxicHCF) I have been a staff member on toxichcf and I was a mod on that current server. It was a hardcore faction and a practice server. On every eotw theres always a kitmap open and everone plays on it and while they do the builders on toxichcf would help make a new map with the higher staff. For staff under Mod+ and they would speculate the Practice server and the kitmap server. You usually†¦show more content†¦My rank was trail-mod with in 4 weeks and yet I dinnit get promoted which I mean I was more active and more helpful than all of these staff members and yet I never had a promoted rank. But the console did get hacked sadly. DeltaHCF) This server is recent. I have been staff for 4 weeks. I have been a good staff member on there but yet I never gotten promoted. I have banned , mute , and tempbanned players off of this server which I had proof of me getting proof of me banning hackers ect. - Xrayer admited - Muted - Banned hackers I had much more bans but I dinnit want to overflow with them. Thats just proof of me being active and always online to ban and mute players. Proof of me being staff on there → AgonyMc ) I was staff on AgonyMc. I was a staff on this factions server. I have been staff on there for 3 weeks. I was a Mod on there as you can see down below. The server was non-toxic. The server was a very fun server! Proof of me being staff on here → DucksFaction) I was a Mod on this server and I was the first one which got accepted. As a staff member it comes in responsibility. I know when it comes to 50 players its not much. But I did love the server but I mean the server was super toxic including the stsaff members. I decied to retire. It was a kit pvpShow MoreRelatedNorth American Cheese Market Industry Analysis Growth Trends And Forecast 2021817 Words  | 4 PagesNorth American Cheese Market: Industry Analysis, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2021 1 Description : The North American cheese market was valued at USD 22.44 billion in 2013 and is estimated to reach a value of USD 28.75 billion by 2021. The market is poised to grow at a CAGR of 3.2% between 2014 and 2021. North America, especially the U.S., is one of the leading producers of cheese globally. Additionally, cheese is widely used across the continent as an important ingredient in daily intake of foodRead MorePathfinders: A Global History of Exploration by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto1063 Words  | 5 Pagesaward-winning author with work published in 27 languages. 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